Joining Amanda at Soulemama for
{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
One photo-
No words-
Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
(1st cone)
The Life Story of Alara True. Living, loving and growing with the affects of ABS (Amniotic Band Syndrome).
Joining Amanda at Soulemama for
{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
One photo-
No words-
Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
(1st cone)
Joining Amanda at Soulemama for
{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
One photo-
No words-
Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Joining Amanda at Soulemama for
{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
One photo-
No words-
Capturing a moment from the week.
A simle, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
(Perseverance. Too hard for the hand, try the lucky fin.)
Joining Amanda at Soulemama for
{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
One photo-
No words-
Capturing a moment from the week.
A simle, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
(Grudge girl. A bit scary.)